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(1 Risi = 5 Euros)
6,000 Risis
139 Backers pledged 12,780 Risis

What is FindArt?

Our app helps you recognise a famous monument, a painting, a song, an unknown object. You just take a picture of what you are interested in and the app will describe it for you and give you information about it! 



Who are we?

Our group is composed by three Italian students, Denise Laghi, Martina Busiello and Michaela Liverani and, and two Spanish students, Lucía Martínez and Kevin Suárez. We have worked together to develop this project. 

Where did this project come from?

Well, Denise got the idea to do this app. She wanted to do this project because when you travel you never know the name or the meaning of all monuments or paintings or whatever you see. We think that everybody who likes travelling would be interested in this app. In addition, you can use it to recognise a song; so even if you don’t travel, you can use it.

The app would have an auto updating of the info every week.

There would be a comment page where you can leave what you think about the paintings or buildings and if you would recommend our app to other people. And there would also be the signature of the artist and when the painting, building or song was made.

If you have a restaurant, a hotel, a museum or a taxi, your advert can appear on our app whenever a FindArt user is close to your location.

If your company supports this project, these are the rewards you can get.

5 t-shirts

10 stickers

A discount of 5 RISIS for train tickets

Support this project

Pledge 20 Risis

Pledge 100 Risis

30 t-shirts

30 stickers

A discount of 20 RISIS for flight tickets

Pledge 150 Risis

50 t-shirts

40 stickers

A discount of 15 RISIS for train tickets

A discount of 15 RISIS for flight tickets

Pledge 200 Risis

2 months

Pledge 400 Risis


4 months

Pledge 800 Risis

6 months

Pledge 1100 Risis

8 months

Pledge 50 Risis

10 t-shirts

20 stickers

A discount of 10 RISIS for train tickets

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